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Pfötchenhof Pfalz
Miriam Styppa
Kaiserstraße 28
67816 Standenbühl

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Dog School


For every Problem, there is a solution.

Initial consulting

Our dog school offers personalized advice and tailored solutions for all dog-related issues. The initial consultation is the first step towards a successful collaboration.


When you book the initial consultation, you will receive a detailed questionnaire and an informative fact sheet. Please fill out the questionnaire thoroughly and send it back to us.


Upon receipt, we will schedule your first training session. Typically, these sessions take place at our dog training facility in Göllheim or at Pfötchenhof Pfalz in Standenbühl. Upon request, we also offer home visits for an additional travel fee.


In the questionnaire, you can already express your training goals and desires. We will provide a comprehensive assessment and explain the necessary steps towards achieving your goals.


The initial consultation includes:

  • Evaluation of the questionnaire
  • One-on-one session on-site and in the surrounding area (approximately 70 minutes)*
  • Treats for your dog


Price: €135


*Additional travel fees apply for appointments outside our premises (see travel fee).


Get started now: Sign up, fill out the questionnaire, schedule an appointment, and let’s get started!

Each dog has its own character.

Follow-up Session

If you wish to have additional individual training sessions after the initial consultation, you can book follow-up sessions here. In one-on-one coaching, we focus entirely on your specific training needs, without any distractions from others. The training usually takes place at our training facility at Göllheim or at Pfötchenhof Pfalz. Upon request, we can also come to your location. Please note the applicable travel fees.


Individual sessions can also be beneficial if you prefer to work on course content or specific exercises individually rather than in a group setting.


Duration: 60 minutes per training session
Price: €84, plus travel fees if you prefer training at your location.

Each dog has its own character.

Follow-up Session for teams of 2

Do you have friends who are dog owners and facing the same problem as you? Are you interested in sharing a training session and working together on the issue? That’s possible at our dog school!


If both dogs are known to us after an initial consultation or if you are already our clients, you can share your training sessions. One dog-owner team books the individual session and mentions the dog-owner team with whom they want to share the session during the booking. We will then organize a joint training day.


While one team is being instructed by us, the other team can practice. This model meets a common demand and is suitable when the topics to be learned in each session are the same.


Duration: 60 minutes per training session
Price: €42 per team,
plus travel fees if you wish to have the training at your location.

Solutions also from a distance

Remote coaching

Utilize modern technology for remote solutions! With remote coaching, we offer various communication options.


For training implementation coaching, we typically do not schedule fixed appointments. Instead, you send us your training videos, and we provide feedback via email on your progress. This is particularly convenient for customers who would have to travel long distances or want to avoid making mistakes while practicing at home. We use tools such as Threema or Mail/WeTransfer for this purpose.


As a second option, you can book fixed ZOOM meetings (online with video). Here, you have the opportunity to conduct live training sessions with your dog that we can watch directly and provide you with feedback. A ZOOM meeting with video transmission can also be more personal when it comes to questions about dogs. The choice is yours!


Online coaching offers a wonderful alternative, saving time and travel costs, and it’s enjoyable! We coach you right where you and your dog are at home, where the issues arise.


Please note that for new customers seeking training coaching, an initial consultation must take place beforehand. This can also be done online.


Price: €60 per hour (time credit of 60 minutes)
Billing is based on the consumed minutes.

With you as a guest speaker

Visiting you as a speaker

We are happy to visit animal shelters, dog schools, or clubs as speakers and offer lectures, workshops, and webinars. We are pleased to provide you with a customized offer. Here is a selection of topics. If your desired topic is not included, feel free to let us know.




  • Canine Body Language
  • Rescue Dogs / Second Dog / Multi-dog households
  • From Puppy to Adolescent Dog
  • Conflict in Dog Encounters
  • Leash Aggression
  • Fear and Fear of Fireworks
  • Clicker Training with a Twist
  • Clicker Training Basics
  • Conditioned Relaxation
  • Recall Training
  • Trick Training
  • First Aid for Dogs
  • Enrichment (Indoor and Outdoor)
  • Dental Health and Toothbrush Training
  • Veterinary Training (Medical Training)
  • Intensive Puppy Week (inspired by Chirag Patel)


Specifically for Animal Shelters:

  • Volunteer Dog Walker Training (also available as an online course)
  • Process Optimization in Animal Shelters (Reducing the dogs’ stress levels, workflows)
  • Basic Training
  • Promoting Calmness
  • Management


Price: We are happy to provide you with a customized offer that suits your needs.

Spread Joy to Others!

Gift Voucher

Give our gift voucher to friends, family, and acquaintances!


Do you want to bring joy to another dog owner team and surprise them with a special gift for both the two-legged and four-legged members? Then our gift voucher is the perfect choice.


You have the option to gift a specific product or service, or specify a fixed amount (€). Various options are available, including our extensive webinar offerings, courses, or individual sessions.


Simply book through the button below, select “Gift Voucher,” and enter all the details you desire in the message field. We will send you the invoice, and if requested, we can also send the voucher directly to the recipient. It’s a fantastic idea to surprise others!

No path is in vain.


Our dog school typically offers coaching at various locations and in different environments.


If you prefer the training to take place at your location, we charge a travel fee of €0.50 per kilometer. For distances exceeding 10 kilometers, we apply a flat fee of €1.00 per kilometer from the 11th kilometer, and a flat fee of €2.00 per kilometer from the 21st kilometer. The calculation is based on a one-way trip, and the amount is doubled at the end (round trip).


0-10 km = €0.50 per km
11-20 km = €1.00 per km
21 km and above = €2.00 per km

If the training occurs at our premises, the travel fee is waived.

Start Early...

Puppy School Individual Training

In our puppy school, we offer individual training for puppies up to 6 months old. The training can begin at any time and takes place through one-on-one coaching without group sessions. You also have the option to concurrently enroll in our online puppy course to deepen your theoretical knowledge and receive practical exercises via video. We recommend scheduling the 6 sessions (5 individual lessons + 1 mixed session) in close succession (with a maximum of 3-4 days apart) to make optimal use of the time. If you prefer training in a group with other puppies and adolescent dogs, you are welcome to join our intensive puppy/junior dog week, where you can book the week and participate in everyday training and dog encounters.


What you’ll receive in Puppy School Individual Training:


Venue: Göllheim Dog Training Ground, Pfötchenhof Pfalz, and surrounding areas
Price: €350 per dog
Start: Available anytime

Aging Gracefully


Our Senior Meetup is specifically designed for older dogs. As our four-legged companions age, their needs change, and that’s why in our senior course, we begin with a brief introduction to the transformations that occur in a dog’s life. We then provide a series of exercises for muscle strengthening and flexibility. Additionally, we collaboratively create a diverse senior obstacle course and share valuable tips for optimal engagement for our loyal, older dogs. The course is conducted through individual one-on-one training to address the specific needs of each individual dog.


Duration: 2 sessions, each lasting 60 minutes
Price: €160 for 2 sessions

Start Now

Fundamentals Course

Our fundamentals course is designed for dogs that either come from a shelter or join their new home as adult dogs. Each dog has had different experiences, so in this course, we start from scratch and teach all the essential things that are important for daily life. The course takes place through individual training, allowing us to cater to each team’s needs individually.


Content and Duration:

  • 5 individual sessions, each lasting 50 minutes
  • 2 webinars: Body Language, Enrichment
  • 1 clicker, training treats, treat tube


Price: €380

Explore Nose Work

Tracking Course

Our Tracking Course is perfect for all dog lovers who want to provide their four-legged companions with a species-appropriate activity. In this course, we will thoroughly demonstrate how to create an exciting trail and gently introduce your dog to the fascinating art of scent detection – whether you have a young puppy or an adult dog yearning for a new challenge. The course kicks off directly in the practical field, and our dog school provides all the necessary materials, which you can also use for training at home. Additionally, we offer an informative webinar covering theory and practice to thoroughly prepare you for the training. In approximately 1.5-2 hours, you and your dog will receive personalized coaching and individual support from us in one-on-one sessions.


Venue: Pfötchenhof Pfalz and surrounding areas (up to a maximum of 10 km)
Price: €165 for the introductory track including an online Webinar with instructions for tracking at home

Reliable Recall for Your Dog

Recall Course

Our recall course is designed for dog owners whose dogs either do not come when called or only come reliably when there is nothing “more exciting” nearby. We show you how to build a reliable recall and tailor it to your dog’s training stage. Whether you simply want to work on a reliable recall with your dog or learn more about the topic, you are welcome to join.


Venue: Pfötchenhof Pfalz and surrounding areas
The course takes place through individual coaching and can start at any time.


The course includes:

  • 2 individual lessons
  • Training treats, treat tube, clicker


Price: €175 (plus travel fee for on-site training)

Just let go


Our Motley course offers a versatile blend of fun, variety, and valuable bonding work. Here, you can enjoy relaxed moments with your dog in a friendly atmosphere and grow together as an unbeatable team. The course is perfectly suitable for all dogs, regardless of age or breed, and takes place regularly at fixed dates, allowing you to join anytime without any hassle.


The Motley course takes place 1-2 times per month at our dog training facility in Göllheim. The group size is limited to provide ample space for the dogs. You can find the dates and times on our website.


Price: €16 per session
Subscription: €12 per month


Next dates: June 26, 2023, at 5:00 PM

Optimal Learning Results in a Short Time

Puppy/Junior Dog Intensive Week

Our Puppy/Junior Dog Intensive Week is designed for all puppies and dogs up to 10 months old. During this intensive week, the little ones will be exposed to everyday situations in small groups at different locations and learn how to handle them appropriately. The course includes 4 group sessions and a tandem appointment or an individual session. Additionally, you will receive a puppy booklet, a treat pouch, a clicker, treats, and a puppy folder. Repeat participants receive a 40% discount.


Price: €219 per dog


Next courses: t.b.a.

Body and Mind

Canine Longe Training

Our “Canine Longe Training” is specially designed for beginners at our dog school. Here, you will learn how to lead your dog off-leash from a longeing circle. Each session builds upon the previous one in a step-by-step manner, and you can conveniently practice at home with your dog as well. In addition to physical exercise, the course focuses on enhancing communication between you and your dog, further promoting your dog’s concentration.


The course takes place in small groups at our dog training ground in Göllheim. To ensure ample space for each dog, the group size is deliberately limited. You can conveniently find the exact dates and times of the course on our website.


Duration: 2 sessions of 2.5 hours each
Preis: €89


Next Workshop: June 24 / June 25, 2023, from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM

Act Confidently in Emergencies

First Aid - Course A

Our comprehensive First Aid Course A provides you with the essential and life-saving knowledge to respond appropriately in emergency situations. Due to its extensive content, we have divided this course into 2 parts. Both courses can be attended independently and cover different topics and situations.


The topics covered include:
Vital signs, reference values, CPR, heart-massage, measuring pulses, taking temperature, emergency ABC, foreign objects, emergency symptoms, shock, stopping bleeding, applying bandages, fractures, first aid equipment, hypoglycemia, heatstroke, gastric dilation, poisonous foods.


Venue: Seminarhotel in Dannenfels
Duration: 3 hours
Price: €35 per person
Places with a dog: 5-6


Next date: June 28, 2023, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Act Confidently in Emergencies

First Aid - Course B

Our comprehensive First Aid Course B covers additional specific and essential topics and situations that may arise in emergencies. As described in First Aid Course A, we have divided this course into 2 parts due to its extensive content. Both courses can be attended independently and cover different, relevant topics and situations.


The topics covered include:
Insect bites, allergic reactions, traumas, eye/ear injuries, specialized bandages, poisonings/bait poisoning, acid/alkali poisoning, electric shock, hives, frostbite, vestibular syndrome, burns, ticks, water tail, epilepsy.


Location: Pfötchenhof Pfalz
Duration: approximately 1.5 hours
Price: €25 per person


Next Date: Autumn 2022

For a Stress-Free Coexistence

Encounter Training

Our specialized Encounter Training at our dog school is specifically designed for dog owners whose beloved four-legged companions often react stressed in the presence of other dogs. Our primary goal is to help your dog better cope with such challenging situations. To achieve this, we carefully analyze how encounter issues arise and provide tailored solutions that are situationally appropriate for your dog. Such encounter issues can arise from interactions with other dogs or various triggers like cyclists or cars.


The Encounter Training course takes place in individual one-on-one coaching and is one of our particularly effective training approaches. Here, our focus is entirely on you and your dog. Once you have mastered the basic exercises, you are welcome to participate in our Social Walks and Motley events, which take place at various locations and are firmly integrated into our Encounter Training. Joining is possible at any time without any hassle.


Encounter Training:
For new customers, a prior initial consultation is required, which is not included in the price. For more information, please refer to the Initial Consultation section.


Included in the Encounter Training Package:

  • 1 x theory session (Online webinar “Conflicts in Dog Encounters”), approximately 45 minutes
  • 4 x individual lessons
  • 1 introduction to the Motley course or Social Walk


Cost of Basic Training Package: €300
Plus travel expenses, if the training takes place at your location.

Being a Team on the Go Too!

Social Walk

Our Social Walk is a monthly event that takes place at various locations. You can always find the exact date at the bottom of this page. Due to weather conditions, we announce the locations at short notice.


During our group walks, dogs have the opportunity to practice their communication with fellow dogs and learn how to handle everyday situations. This is done in a positive manner, ensuring that each dog maintains the necessary distance from other dogs. We, as humans, focus on understanding the “language” of our animals and learn to act more proactively.


The Social Walk Event from our dog school is also suitable for dogs that have issues with people, other dogs, or their environment. For new customers, an initial consultation is required so that we can get to know you beforehand.


Duration: approximately 40-60 minutes per session (depending on the number of participants and weather conditions)
Location: Various locations around Pfötchenhof Pfalz (radius of approximately 10 km)
Price: €18 per dog-handler team
Registration deadline: 5 days before the date
Minimum number of participants: 3


Next dates:
Tuesday, May 23, at 6:00 PM
Wednesday, June 21, at 6:00 PM


The meeting point will be announced in the Social Walk group (Threema app).

Learn Independently from Home

Webinars for Your Course

Do you remember everything we discussed in the course? Are you unsure how to best implement the homework assignments? Many dog owners have such questions when they want to continue training with their dogs at home. Notes and handouts are helpful, but what if you could conveniently watch the theory and practical exercises of the course from the comfort of your own home?


With us, you have the opportunity to participate in our online webinars and e-courses. These are specifically available for some of our basic courses. As a customer of our practical courses, we are happy to offer you these resources. If there is a suitable webinar for a course, you even get a 50% discount on the corresponding online product.


Here’s an example: When you book our Recall Training course, you can get the online companion course (€25) for only €12.50. This way, you can go through the course content from the comfort of your home and prepare yourself optimally for the training. Simply book the appropriate webinar or e-course and leave us a message in the message field.


Make learning convenient for yourself and use our webinars to deepen and improve your training. Book today and invest in valuable further education for you and your dog!
