Pfötchenhof Logo Schwarz Groß

Pfötchenhof Pfalz
Miriam Styppa
Kaiserstraße 28
67816 Standenbühl

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Terms and conditions

  /  Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Liability exemption

Pfötchenhof Pfalz shall be liable for any damage incurred only to the extent that such damage is based on the violation of a material contractual obligation or on intentional or grossly negligent conduct by us, our legal representatives or vicarious agents. If an essential contractual obligation is breached due to slight negligence, our liability shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract. An essential contractual obligation is given in the case of obligations, the fulfillment of which makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place or on the observance of which the customer has relied and was entitled to rely.

Any further liability for damages is excluded. Liability for culpable injury to life, limb or health in accordance with the statutory provisions shall remain unaffected.


Participation requirements

The prerequisite for participation in one of our courses and lessons requires possession of a valid and well-maintained vaccination certificate and the associated vaccination protection. We follow the vaccination recommendations of the StIKo Vet. Furthermore, the participant confirms with the agreement of the GTCs to have a valid dog liability insurance for the participating dog. He records this in writing with his signature on the registration form in addition to the GTC. If Pfötchenhof Pfalz has reasonable doubts even after the start of the training, the documents must be submitted immediately. Likewise, the dog owner declares that the participating dog is healthy and has no health restrictions that need to be considered separately during the training/exercises. Should this nevertheless be the case, or should it change during the period of cooperation, Pfötchenhof must be informed immediately and in writing before the next training session. This is urgently necessary in order to adjust the training accordingly in advance. Depending on the individual case, Pfötchenhof Pfalz reserves the right to suspend a training until the clarification of the dog’s health by the veterinarian has taken place and its harmlessness or exact restriction is communicated to Pfötchenhof Pfalz.

Whether or not a dog can participate in the seminars and workshops can be found in the respective course and the registration confirmation.

If training on the drag line is necessary, it will be done exclusively on the chest harness. If a chest harness is not possible, a separate agreement is required.

Choke collars, prong collars or similar instruments of torture are not permitted in training. We reserve the right to cancel the training if no other collar is used. A refund is then not possible.



All course, workshop and seminar fees, as well as the Social Walks & Encounter Trainings are due upon confirmation of registration (invoice) and are to be transferred to the following account after invoicing:


Miriam Styppa
IBAN: DE45 5509 1200 0026 1027 07
Volksbank Alzey-Worms eG

The prices include the applicable statutory value added tax. The performance period applies here. If we do not receive payment for a service in due time, we reserve the right to cancel the agreed appointment.


Cancellation conditions

1. courses, workshops, seminars and lectures

Seminars and courses not taken will not be refunded. This also applies if the course has been started and individual appointments are not attended.

The following cancellation fees are payable upon cancellation:

  • up to 60 days before the start of the event → 0 % cancellation fee. 100% of the participation fees will be refunded.
  • up to 40 days before the event → 30 % cancellation fee
  • up to 30 days before the event → 50 % cancellation fee
  • up to 21 days before the event →100 % cancellation fee

From 21 days prior to the start of the event, the full event fees are due and will not be refunded. Of course, a substitute participant can be named at short notice and free of charge. Should the event take place with a dog, the “substitute dog” must be known to Pfötchenhof Pfalz and there must be no concerns regarding participation. This will be arranged with Pfötchenhof Pfalz if necessary.

Some events take place without a dog, or the number of participating dogs is limited. Please note that bringing your dog here must be agreed with us in advance. Should a prior arrangement not have taken place, we reserve the right to exclude the participant and his dog from the seminar. Since the fault is the responsibility of the participant, reimbursement is not possible in this case.


The following separate cancellation conditions apply to ALL our external speakers:

  • Up to 180 days before the event → 50% cancellation fee
  • Up to 90 days before the event → 100 % cancellation fee
  • A substitute participant can be provided once free of charge.

Special cancellation conditions apply if you have booked us as speakers. These are explicitly stated in our contracts.

2. individual and group lessons

The individual lessons are,
unless otherwise stated
60 minutes and the group lessons also 60 minutes. In case of low participation (up to 3 participants) or special weather conditions , the trainers reserve the right to adjust the training time without any financial disadvantage for the dog school. If the lesson is cancelled by the dog school due to weather conditions, the customer will not incur any costs and any advance payments made will be refunded unless an alternative date is agreed or offered.

In the event that the customer arrives late to the agreed time,
the missed time will be charged to the client and the hour will not be extended.
However, the fees for the hour remain unchanged and are to be performed in full.

If the customer is not able to keep his appointment for any reason, he can cancel the appointment.

for individual lessons up to 48 hours

for Social Walks and Kunterbunt courses up to 48 hours

cancel beforehand free of charge. If this time window is not met, the costs for the booked hour will be due in full.

-Group lessons in course form with fixed dates can be cancelled if missed.
and there will be no refund. If the customer cannot attend an appointment in its entirety, a partial refund is not possible.


Training exclusion

Pfötchenhof Pfalz reserves the right to exclude participants from training if there is a legitimate reason for doing so. This could be as follows, for example:

  • The instructions of the trainers are not followed
  • The well-being of other dogs and people is endangered by the behavior of the participant and / or his dog
  • The participant endangers himself and/or his own dog
  • Illness of the dog or missing health/insurance certificates.

In this case, the course fees paid will not be refunded.


Local court

Place of jurisdiction is the seat of Pfötchenhof Pfalz.

All prices are inclusive of VAT.


Veterinary Office

Competent licensing authority of §11 of the TierSchG:


Veterinary Office Donnersbergkreis/Kirchheimbolanden
Uhlandstrasse 2
67292 Kirchheimbolanden


The permission according to §11 para. 1 Satz1 Nr. 8f TierSchG was granted to me by the veterinary office Kirchheimbolanden.


Disclaimer/Liability Committee:

Pfötchenhof Pfalz reserves the right to add to, change or delete parts of the homepage pages and the associated offer without prior notice, or to discontinue it temporarily or permanently.


References and links:

In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites, so-called (“hyperlinks”), which are located on the pages of Pfötchenhof Pfalz, the area of responsibility lies outside of ours. Pfötchenhof Pfalz is not aware of any violations or illegal or unlawful content of the linked pages or was aware of such at the time of linking. Pfötchenhof Pfalz has no influence on the development and future design of the linked pages. For this reason, the author expressly distances himself from all content that was changed after the link was set on the page. This applies not only to the links set by the homepage of the Pfötchenhof Pfalz, but also to third-party entries on platforms set up by the author, such as guest books, forums, etc.. If the participant should become aware of illegal content of linked pages, the Pfötchenhof Pfalz takes note of these objections and, if justified, removes the link from its site.


The invalidity / ineffectiveness of individual provisions of these terms and conditions. does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions!

Status: August 2022

Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions