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Pfötchenhof Pfalz
Miriam Styppa
Kaiserstraße 28
67816 Standenbühl

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September 2023

  /    /  September

ibh anerkannte Fortbildungsveranstaltung Train the trainer (TtT) mit Chirag Patel It continues almost seamlessly this week with another Train the Trainer 2 (TtT-2) workshop with Chirag Patel. This 2-day workshop is aimed at all dog trainers who either want to actively participate with their own dog and/or accompany Chirag in leading dog owner teams in training. Some participants with dogs will have

ibh anerkannte Fortbildungsveranstaltung "Staying safe in Aggression Cases" mit Mike Shikashio (USA) Dog bites can have serious consequences, especially when under the supervision of a dog trainer. Before dealing with an aggression case, it is important to ensure the safety of everyone involved by designing the environment using best practices. Mastering the necessary defensive handling techniques is also critical to mitigating catastrophic