Welcome to the Pfötchenhof Pfalz
Our Company PPPaws (powered by Pfötchenhof Pfalz) stands for a respectful cooperation with the dog and its care giver. The concept of our training is based on four pillars:
Learning, Understanding, Confidence & Behavior.
Our work is based on cooperation, motivation, rewards and fun but most important modern and science based training concepts where aversive methods have NO PLACE at no times. Our solutions are long-term and not a “quick-fix”. We take you on a journey to better understand your pet’s behavior. All this happens in a learning atmosphere and environment, where care givers and dogs are allowed to make mistakes and take the time they need to learn. Together we will help you build a strong bond with your dog based on trust and know-how.
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Pfötchenhof Pfalz
Miri Styppa
Kaiserstraße 28
67816 Standenbühl
Mobile 0174-380 340 0
Inquiries gladly by mail, since we are during the day in training/ in consulting meetings.