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Pfötchenhof Pfalz
Miriam Styppa
Kaiserstraße 28
67816 Standenbühl

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Moodle Usage Consent Form

  /  Moodle Usage Consent Form

Moodle Nutzung Einverständniserklärung

Dear customers,

the Pfötchenhof Pfalz uses an online learning platform called MOODLE. MOODLE stands for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.
This is a protected learning environment on the Internet, which can be accessed from anywhere. We use MOODLE to supplement our regular classroom courses, but primarily it serves as a learning platform for our online courses and training. Moodle is already standard at many universities and schools.

The relevant data protection regulations apply to learning platforms. These provisions make it necessary to obtain your consent for us to log you onto the password-protected teaching and learning platform at or pfoetchenhofpfalzonline.moodlecloud.
Here we have compiled an overview of the most important regulations for you. When you log in to Moodle for the first time, you will receive Moodle’s full “Privacy Policy” there.

Storage of personal data on our Moodle site

When storing our data, we assume that the person concerned has reached the age of 18. If this is not the case, the consent of a parent is required.

Personal data and usage-related data

Personal data in the case of the Moodle platform are:

Name, first name, title (Ms/Mr), course chosen and the email used to access Moodle.

The date of registration, the date of the first login, learning progress and, if applicable (depending on the course), the assessments of the course participant’s achievements on the learning platform are also saved.

Use of the data

The personal and usage-related data is only used within the framework of the learning platform by its participants of the respective course and cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons in the strictly password-protected learning platform environment. Of course, we will not pass on the data to third parties.

Contributions of the course participants

During the processing of a course by the course participant, it may happen that further data accrue. This is the case, for example, with homework or learning objective checks such as a quiz and usually takes the form of entries in text systems (chats, forums, wikis, etc.).

If a participant ends their course early, their entries will only be retained for the duration of their course use if the entries made are relevant to the entire course group in context. However, this data will be removed at the latest when the course is deleted.

Standard periods for the deletion of data

By registering and using the learning platform on or pfoetchenhofpfalzonline.moodlecloud, you give your consent to the collection and use of data. This consent can be freely revoked at any time by submitting the corresponding written declaration to Pfötchenhof Pfalz). In case of revocation, the user access to or pfoetchenhofpfalzonline.moodlecloud will be deleted.

I hereby consent to the processing of personal and usage-related data within the scope of the use of the or

learning platform of Pfötchenhof Pfalz may be stored until revoked or in compliance with the designated periods. I agree with the points mentioned above.
