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Pfötchenhof Pfalz
Miriam Styppa
Kaiserstraße 28
67816 Standenbühl

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Consent to extended declarations and the disclaimer

  /  Consent to extended declarations and the disclaimer

Zustimmung zu erweiterten Erklärungen und dem Haftungsausschluss

I certify that my dog is healthy and free of contagious diseases. Valid vaccinations against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirosis and rabies are registered in the vaccination certificate.

Vaccinations against kennel cough are desired.

The registration is binding and obligates to pay the entire course fee in advance.

If the agreed lesson is not cancelled at least 48 hours in advance, it will be charged.

Agreement on liability committee within the framework of the dog school

Pfötchenhof Pfalz assumes no liability for property damage, bodily injury or personal injury, in particular those resulting from the behavior of the dog.
In this respect, I, as the dog owner, once again expressly declare that I have a valid pet owner’s liability insurance policy.

Liability claims against Pfötchenhof Pfalz or other authorized persons and employees are excluded. Each dog owner is fully liable for property damage and personal injury caused by his fault. This applies in particular to damage resulting from improper management of the dog.

Accordingly, I hereby expressly acknowledge that I, as a dog owner, use the dog school exclusively and without limitation at my own risk and peril.
