Training at the zoo
Today we started very early, because we (Sandra Traenkle, Eddy Fernandez and I) had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Frankfurt Zoo behind the scenes and accompany the keepers during animal training. We also learned a lot about the daily challenges. Everybody had his personal highlight. For Sandra it was the shy bongos with offspring, which we could observe in training and the great exchange with the keepers, who devote themselves with all their soul to the welfare of the bongos and have already achieved so much. With Eddy it was clearly the Aye Ayes and with me the training of the wonderfully unique Okapis……But one great experience chased the next and so it was also very special to visit the Kiwis and talk about the zoom measures on the subject of enrichment of the Kiwis. Or the rhino bull, who is still doing so well despite his old age. But not only the training was exciting, but also the one or the other technique behind the scenes. So we had the chance to have a look at the water filter system of the Penguin Exhibition. One had the impression that the pipes and water tanks never stop. It was amazing how modern the control system is and how complex such a system must be. We also looked at the older plant in comparison. We received a very warm welcome and all employees were very committed and eager to show us a lot. We would especially like to thank Birgit Vetter for organizing everything in advance and Regina Brinkmann (Med. Tiertraining/ Tierbeschäftigung) for all her time, effort and organization. Even if I was not allowed to take the Okapi home with me and Eddy also had to say a painful goodbye to Aye Aye…….it was nice with you :-)