Chirag Patel-TtT: 22/23.09.2023
ibh anerkannte Fortbildungsveranstaltung
Train the trainer (TtT) mit Chirag Patel
This workshop week continues almost seamlessly with Chirag Patel. This 1-2 day workshop is designed for all dog trainers who either want to actively participate with their own dog and/or accompany Chirag in guiding dog-owner teams in training. Some participants with dogs will have the opportunity to train with Chirag on their “construction sites” and also one or the other dog owner team of our clients may go into active training with Chirag. Places with dog are limited to a maximum of 6-7. The number of participants as well. This workshop takes place over 2 days.
The workshop will be translated into German in such a way that it does not interfere with the English proceedings!
There will be only a few places because we want to remain a small group for the sake of intensity.
Date: 22nd and/ or 23.09.2023
Price for the 2 day workshop:
320€/ person WITHOUT dog (see registration form)
The workshop will be translated into German in such a way that it doesn’t disrupt the English processes.
To register, please download the registration form and send it to: info@pfoetchenhof-pfalz.de