TAGteach mit Eva 23-25. Mrz 24
ibh anerkannte Fortbildungsveranstaltung
Training dogs, training humans – ABC and TAGteach with Eva Bertilsson
This workshop is about dog behavior and training. But even more, it is about human behavior and training. We will dedicate every afternoon to work exclusively with us humans – and we’ll do this using the same ABC framework and positive reinforcement focus that we have with our dogs!
Eva Bertilsson is a behaviour consultant with a master’s degree in behavior analysis. She is also TAGteach(™) faculty since over 15 years, and very passionate about utilizing our best behavioral understanding and techniques not only for the dogs but for the humans as well.
In this 3-day workshop we’ll work a little bit with dogs, and a lot with humans. Our days will be short (just 5 hrs including lunch) giving space to rest and digest everything that is learned.
Training dogs
Practical training with 2-3 dog/handler teams.
Everyone in the group observing and being part of discussions.
Training humans
Using our ABC thinking and our R+ skills for us humans as well!
Everyone in the group engaged in practical exercises building human skills.
“ABC for humans” is about using the same glasses for human behavior as we are used to from the dog training: What are we doing/saying/thinking/feeling? In what context does this happen? How can I understand and influence my own actions (or those of others, e.g. in my role as an instructor/coach) in the best way by thinking and applying ABCs?
“TAGteach” is a specific technique within the area of ABC for humans. TAGteach can be translated as clicker training for people, where we make it easy to get things right, practice one detail at a time, and use simultaneous positive feedback. The learning person is in focus, and skills are built up step by step.
Welcome to an interactive workshop packed with enriching experiences for dogs and humans alike!
Der Workshop wird von uns komprimiert ins Deutsche übersetzt und dies so, dass es die englischen Abläufe nicht stört!
Es wird nur wenige Plätze geben, da wir zwecks Intensivität eine kleine Gruppe bleiben möchten.
Preis für den 3 tägigen Workshop:
695€/ Person MIT Hund
590€/ Person OHNE Hund
Datum: 23-25.03.2024
Ort: Pfötchenhof Pfalz/ Hotel Kastanienhof Dannenfels
Zeit: 10.00 – ca. 15.00 Uhr
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